Transition Services- Age 14 through Graduation; or age 22
Collaboration between school districts and the ESC to enhance transition services to school age youth. Students will have the opportunity to participate in assessments, career exploration and job training programs. Along with job readiness students will have hands on experience to increase their pre-vocational and daily living skills.
Assistance with referral and linkage to OOD (Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities).
Assistance with the Pathway to Graduation, Competitive Employment, and Community Integration.
Assistance applying for Social Security or Medicaid/Medicare.
Assistance with referrals (when needed) for the Waiver Waiting List Assessment.
Work closely with Local School Districts/participate in the IEP process.
Provide families and students with information on Assistive Technology, Behavioral Intervention Services, Critical Needs Funding, Drivers Training, Summer/Weekend Camps, Adult Day Services, Employment, Post-Secondary Education, Summer Youth Career Exploration and Programming.